Flashmob für Teambuilding und Promotion mit OTTO-Mitarbeitern in Hamburg Back

Otto Flashmob

Together with choirmaster Peter Schuldt, experienced musicians around the songwriter Michael Zlanabitnig and 250 employees of Otto GmbH & Co KG in Hamburg the NWC has mounted a flash mob within a few hours. With singing, dancing, and blinking Christmas hats it was courted attention in several locations in the city centre of Hamburg. The meaning of this Christmas action was not only teambuilding for OTTO employees, but also promotion of the socially committed organisation in Hamburg `Cafee mit Herz`.

The employees were initially skeptical, but within a short time Nicole Wiese has made it with her charisma and her boundless energy to inspire the participants…” – Jürgen Bock, Head of Cultural Development and Corporate Values, Otto Group

  • Our job: Choreographie
  • Client: OTTO
  • Project: Flashmob - mit dem Ziel der Werbung für `Cafée mit Herz`